onsdag den 5. marts 2025


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The monthly Question from the Insecure Writers' Support Group is due today, Ash Wednesday. I wrote the Words for Wednesday yesterday, but forgot this. The answering of the question will be postponed to later this week

March 5 question - If for one day you could be anyone or *thing* in the world, what would it be? Describe, tell why, and any themes, goals, or values they/it inspire in you.

My answer - Well maybe I already did this. Pondering if and when to answer, I'll repeat The Wand's Tale from December 11,  2019. It is a collateral part of my Unicorn Farm storyline.

The Wand's tale

In the beginning I was a part of a tree. A wonderful big Japanese cherry tree. I was one of the topmost branches, Life was sweet, I could see the fields around me, changing every year from plowed fields, to greening wheat, to mature crops to being harvested and back to black soil over and over. I saw people harvesting with scythes in my youth, then tractors and combines took over, but the fields looked the same as always.
  And when my tree was big enough, and the leaves dropped every Autumn, I could see the far away sea.
  The farm all the fields belonged to was built when or maybe even before my tree was planted. It was always there, When I was young, it was teeming with life, people, animals, and children, always lots of children. And horses. Those beautiful creatures, working in the fields all the workable months, and pulling carriages in Summer and sleighs in Winter, oh I remember the bells ...
  Then slowly the teeming life died down, pigs, cows, horses, dogs, cats, and hens, all disappeared. The motor vehicles took over the stables, and of the farmer's couples with children, farmhands and maids and their children, harvest helpers and even more children, only the farmer and his wife remained. They grew old, but no new ones took over. The farm fell into disrepair. And one day it all just stopped. A farmer came ploughing, sowing and harvesting with a behemoth machine, but nobody lived nearby any more.
  It was a lonely time, a meditative time. I grew, but more trees grew around me.
  Every year the farm looked a bit more decrepit. I felt sorry for it. Then new houses slowly grew in the far away fields. The wind carried sounds of laughter, splashing and frolicking from the sea, sometimes even people singing bawdy songs at night, disturbing the birds. The terrifying, yet pleasant smell of smoke was often in the wind.
  Strange people, dressed in black, looking serious and pompous came by car. They put up signs around the house, all the while speaking of demolishing and danger.
  But nothing happened until one day in early spring.  Some even more peculiar-looking people arrived. They re-hinged the doors and gates, they painted the walls, thatched the roofs and weeded the farmyard.
   And then children began arriving, in pairs, in threes, alone or in small groups, Strange things happened, magic was around. I could feel it in my sap. I quivered all over. I felt something was about to happen. And then a girl put her hand on my tree. I felt her calling to me. I yearned to answer the call, but I did not know how to do it. An old lady came and she also placed a hand on the tree. Then she sang. A song of magic, of big deeds and wonders great and small. I was filled by this song, so filled that I burst. It felt like dying. I fell from the tree, broken, more alone that I had ever been. I fell and fell. The green grass came ever closer, but then a small hand, the girl's hand, was there, intercepting me, breaking the fall. I felt her love, and loved her back with all my wooden heart. She took me everywhere with her, all the time caressing my bark, grasping me tightly in her warm little-girl hands.
  That very same evening we had our first taste of magic. She was happy, and so was I. Sparks flew, and we knew we were meant to be together forever.
  We learned the ways of magic together, Susan and I. We brewed potions, transformed clothes pegs into swallows, we even flew. We kept her warm and safe on many travels and through many dire perils and small adventures.
  But then the fateful Summer came. I still shudder when I think of it. The black wizard had arrived from his far away land. Susan and her friends fought hard and brutal, but always fair against him. Susan and I did awesome things that Summer, and even invented a thing or two. Oh, we worked together nicely. But he was strong and sly. He corrupted people's heart and soul. Not my Susan, but so many of her friends. We were afraid. And in the end we made the biggest sacrifice any witch and her wand can make. We renounced our magic, so that the Nordic Countries could remain free and proud.
  That afternoon, as the day turned to evening, all the wizards were gathered. My Susan was so very brave, she was part of a small guerilla group. And they succeeded. Even thought their success was my demise, I was proud of her.
  As they all spoke that one, terrifying word. I felt the magic leave me, I was only an old, dry branch. As Susan fell from the steps of the building, limp as a rag doll, I broke in three pieces, forever beyond repair.

Askeonsdag ~ Ash Wednesday

Today is Ash Wednesday. This day marks the beginning of the big fast - the one lasting all of 40 days from now to Easter. If you're now doing the maths and get more than 40 days from today until Easter Ssunday, you're doing it right. But  if you subtract the Sundays -- as they are not days of fasting ever, but feast days always in memory of the Resurrection -- then you'll get exactly 40 as the result.

I think we're keeping the lenten activities simpel this year. No candy and more prayers; I'll probably find our Lenten bean jar and as I wrote one Easter morning long ago:
All the beans in our Lenten jar have "miraculously" turned into jelly beans as we returned home from mass. And as usually good deeds are being done much more frequently than when the jar contained only dried beans. But as a symbol of God's mercy, the jar keeps filling itself all during Easter time.

Maybe I'll print a Lenten cross. One square to colour each day of Lent. Let's keep it simple.

-- ♱ --

     I dag er det askeonsdag. I dag starter den lange faste, der varer i 40 dage fra i dag til påskesøndag. Hvis du nu har talt efter, og er kommet længere end til 40 dage, så har du talt rigtigt. Der er lige den lille finesse, at søndagene ikke tæller med. Søndag er aldrig en fastedag, men en festdag, til minde om Kristi opstandelse netop påskesøndag. Og uden dem er der lige præcis 40 dage til påskesøndag i dag.
     I år tror jeg vi holder det helt enkelt. Ingen slik og lidt mere bøn. Måske finder jeg vores fastekrukke frem. Det er en tom krukke og så en pose tørrede bønner.  Bønnerne, som vi putter i krukken, når vi har undladt at gøre noget dumt eller har gjort noget godt, plejer at blive til jellybeans påskenat. Og som jeg skreve en påskemorgen for længe siden:
     Alle bønnerne i vores krukke er på mirakuløs vis blevet til jelly beans, så nu bliver der gjort mange flere gode gerninger end i fasten, hvor der var tørrede bønner i krukken. Men som et sindbillede på Guds nåde, bliver krukken ved med at være fuld i hele påsketiden.

Måske skriver jeg fastekors ud, så kan man farve et felt om dagen indtil påske. Helt enkelt.

tirsdag den 4. marts 2025

Words for Wednesday March 4th

In March, River is supplying the prompts for Words for Wednesday.

Word for Wednesday is a challenge that was started a long time ago. Now it has turned into a movable event with Elephant's Child as our coordinator; and the Words provided by a number of people.

The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss.
Use all Words, some Words, one Word, or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.

 It is also a challenge, where the old saying
"The more the merrier" holds true.

So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.

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This Wednesday's prompts:

I will be continuing my surrealistic story of Sue and Bill ... at least until I am somewhat recuperated from these last stressing months. I feel like writing, knitting, drawing, sowing, digging, weeding, baking, creating something ... anything at all, but my energy levels are at zero. I hope the returning daylight also is going to help. Sunset tonight is as late as 17:48, and sunshine is in the cards for the coming week. Yay, I'm thankful that the light is returning!

Bills premonition was striking, but it did deliver. At a quarter to eight a knock was heard, and after a pause, that would have been insulting in a lesser being, Bill called: "Enter!" in the exact tone of a man who was just about to drink his coffee and felt irritated at the disturbance. A man in raincoat and yellow sou'wester, wet through and carrying a humongous spanner in his hand, entered and said: "Bill, Sue. I need your help!" before fainting on the dark linoleum flooring.
"You are as good as your word!" Sue said as she rose and went over to their guest. "I wonder how he go so wet? ... Salt water!" she exclaimed. 

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And I felt like making WordLit again. It is neither the best, not the smartest of them, but today's solution - one of the words I often use for starters, but of course not today - fit in somehow. As this is the actual solution for today - March 4th - don't scroll down unless you have already solved today's Wordle, or do not intend to.





mandag den 3. marts 2025

Poetry Monday :: Station

Every Monday is Poetry Monday.

Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings and I have taken over the hosting duties, mostly the supplying of the prompts - only temporarily we hope - while Diane at On the Border is taking a break for health and relaxation, travelling the world with her husband as far as we can tell.
We just hope she's going to take back over once she returns home.

  I have something to ask of you: If you read this and the poetry of others via the links, would you please leave a comment.
  Half - if not more - the fun of these challenges is receiving the responses of others

This Monday we've been given Station.  It is one of my favourite places in town. This Elfje will explain why:

Wonderful place
Hopes and dreams
The place it begins.

Not that I am going on any vacation right now, but the possibility exists, and I think about every time I am at - or even near - the station.

My first ever Elfje touches on this, and as I suspect not many follow the links back, I repeat it here for all to see:

  • Danger - road ahead - The first step - Wants more to follow - Pilgrimage
    Tak til J.R.R.Tolkien for inspiration.
    Inspired by

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Up and coming:
March 3: Station
March 10: Ghost
March 17: Stea
March 24: Orange
March 31: Turn

søndag den 2. marts 2025

Sunday Selections :: Colour of the Month

Just a single photo from a year ago. The cake fits the colour of March: Saint Patrick's green.
Bare et enkelt foto fra sidste år. Kagen her rammer marts måneds farve, sankt Patriks grøn.