torsdag den 30. januar 2025

Månedens farve Februar
Colour of the Month February

Så er der ikke så længe til at det bliver februar. Og på søndag er det den første søndag i februar. Tid for en ny farve.
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January is not with us for long. And Sunday will be the first Sunday of February. Time for a new colour.

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     Jeg blev inspireret af Rivers besøg i Adelaides botaniske have, hvor hun så og fotograferede Chihulys udstilling af glaskunst.
     Det her ligner en elefant, syne jeg i hvert fald - og det gav mig assosiationer til en elefant i en glasbutik, der så blev til en glaselefant.
     Det var svært at vælge mellem de mange skønne blå nuancer, så vælg endelig en anden, hvis der er en der tiltaler dig mere.
-- 🩵  --
This time I was inspired by River's visit to Adelaide's Botanic Gardens, and the Chihuly display of blown glass art.

To me this looks like an elephant - a glass elephant - and as the Bull in a China shop is an elephant in a glass shop in Danish, I fell for it immediately.

And as I had a hard time deciding which of the deligthful blues were best, you're free to use any that suits you.

     I dag er det bloggens 13 års fødselsdag - og den fejrer Uglemor med en lille ferie væk fra al elektronikken. Så jeg vil advare om manglende UgleMor-tilstedeværelse i blogosphæren i den kommende tid.
     Der vil måske komme et par forhåndsfabrikerede opslag, men ingen kommentarer eller svar.
Jeg vender tilbage!
-- 🔹💠🔹 --
Today furthermore marks the 13th birthday of my blog / blogoversary. I'll celebrate by keeping away from anything digital for a little while.

Hence be warned: MotherOwl will be away and MIA from the Blogosphere for a week or more. A (preposted) post or two will probaby show up, but no comments amd no answers.
... I'll be back!

onsdag den 29. januar 2025

Godt nytår ~ Happy New Year

Igen er Uglemor hverken senil eller tosset. I dag er det det kinesiske nytår.
Glædeligt SLANGENS år
No, MotherOwl has still grown neither crazy nor senile.
Today is the Chinese New Year.
Happy year of the

mandag den 27. januar 2025

Poetry Monday :: (Praise the) Silver

Every Monday is Poetry Monday.

Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings and I have taken over the hosting duties, mostly the supplying of the prompts - only temporarily we hope - while Diane at On the Border is taking a break for health and relaxation, travelling the world with her husband as far as we can tell.
We just hope she's going to take back over once she returns home again.

  I have something to ask of you: If you read this and the poetry of others via the links, would you please leave a comment.
  Half - if not more - the fun of these challenges is receiving the responses of others

Today's prompt is Silver. Silver is a metal, I like gold better for looks, but for uses - nothing compares. So an ode to silver it is - modern, free form - versatile as silver itself. 

Silver is a versatile metal:
The bane of vampires and werevolves,
the source of life for photos and X-rays,
and for vanity; mirrors and spoons.
In our banks you find coins and a bullion.
In the band aid it kills the microbes.
And it filters our water,
makes current from sunshine,
and always it pleases our eyes.

And here we have Habakuk, my grumpy gnome, shooting away at a werewolf with his old shotgun  loaded with silver (he's partially modelled on Hard Haid Moe).

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Up and coming
January 27: Silver (today)
February 3: Funky
February 10: Funny
February 17: Fidgety
February 24: Fluffy

fredag den 24. januar 2025

Fredagsfrustration: Blogger vs. WordPress

Dette er også en forklaring på, hvorfor jeg ikke kommenterer så meget på WP-baserede blogs.
Hver gang, jeg vil lægge en kommentat på en WordPress-blog skal jeg skrive e-mail, navn, og valgfri blogadresse. Lige meget hvor ote jeg udfylder den der med at huske mine data, er de væk næste gang. Nogen gange kan de huske så meget, at de auto-udfylder, når jeg starter, men for det meste ikke. Og så skal jeg også lige være synsk.

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This is also an explanation why I don't comment much on WP-based blogs.
Every time I want to leave a comment on a WordPress blog, I have to enter email, name, and - optional - blog address. No matter how many times I move the slider to remember my data, it's gone the next time. Sometimes it auto fills in when I start typing, but mostly not. And I also have to be psychic:
Nederst i den hvide firkant - under min mailadresse, som jeg har skjult, står der: Fortsæt læsning/Continue reading - det skal man trykke på for at offentliggøre sin kommentar uden at abonnere på blogen. Det står der bare ikke hver gang, som her man ser. Nu har jeg lært at klikke midt i det hvide, men de første gange var det godt nok sært.

 -- 📧 ✐ --

At the bottom of the white square - below my email address, which I've hidden - it says: Fortsæt læsning/Continue reading. You have to press this to publish your comment without subscribing to the blog. It is, as can be seen here, not always visible. Now I've learnt to just  click in the middle of nowhere, but the first few times I felt quite weird.

onsdag den 22. januar 2025

Words for Wednesday :: How I became a Shoplifter - a Dream

Historien findes her på dansk.

The Word for Wednesday challenge started a long time ago. Now it has turned into a movable event with Elephant's Child as our coordinator; and the Words provided by a number of people.

The prompts for January are provided by Elephant's Child and can be found @ Elephant's Child.

The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss.
Use all Words, some Words, one Word, or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.

 It is also a challenge, where the old saying
"The more the merrier" holds true.

So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.

- - A - - B - - C - - 

This week's prompts are:

I only used some of the words, as can be seen. Not in any particular order either. 

A Friday a few weeks ago I had an appointment in a big city. I arrived about an hour early because even if it was snowing the trains and buses were less delayed than I had expected. So I hoped I could do some shopping. The first two errand were quickly done, as the places were either closed for repair or for holidays.
     I also needed some minor items that were sold out or not in stock in my small town. First I went to some Target-like shop. They had one of the items only, cheap, but equally poor quality. The bookshop had the same item only, but in a super-luxury edition; and I won't pay more for a notebook than for a nice meal at a restaurant! Then I went to a big supermarket advertising that they carried everything. They did, but what a mess; No price tags, things in a jumble on all shelves ... luckily I found a scanner and checked the prices. Both items were reasonable, and the notebook was on sale. They were both the last of their kind. There were more notebooks, but only dark pink ones!
     With twenty minutes to my appointment, I got in line. There were TWO manned tills open, and queues as long as my arm. Oh well, my appointment is just around the corner and down a street, maybe three minutes, I can make it.
     Ten minutes later, the brand new employee at the till had served one or two customers, and it was the same at the other till. Another employee walked by and I asked if he could please open another till. "I'll try," he replied and ran off to the left. A little later, he passed by again, this time closer to the till, and a man asked the same question and got the same answer. I looked at the clock ... five minutes to go. When I looked up, he was helping one of the two customers at the self checkout. I looked around in despair.
     There was my way out! I spied Exit without payment, Complaints & Customer Service written on a sign above an exit. "I'll go there," I thought, "and let them look after the goods until I can return and pay." At the door I was quickly let through by a smiling young man. But then ... there were at least twenty people with numbers in their hands waiting to be served, and behind the counter a single tired and dejected-looking young man. What to do now? I wound my way through the crowd towards the take-a-number thingie -- and the exit.
     Then I thought "What the heck!" and just walked out, still with my unpaid items visible in my hand. Nothing happened, no beeping and no one shouting at me.
     I rushed across the road, down the side street and up the stairs, just in time to put the goods in my bag before my name was called.
With a shock I realized I was now a criminal, then I grinned at how easy it all was - and then I woke up.